Saturday, December 7, 2019

Secret Places.

We've been here well over a month now and our daily walks while often are over now familiar neighborhood streets, we also, almost daily stumble onto secret little parts of Rome. So much beauty, so much history everywhere. I think it might take a lifetime to discover it all.

Today we found a park only a block or two from our house behind some old wrought iron gates, directly adjacent to the busy center of Monte Verde that used to be the grounds of a lavish 15th-century villa, with bucolic grounds dotted by fountains and sculptures and even quiet resting places carved into the stone walls.

Villa Barberini: The estate has passed hands four times over the centuries from the Barberini's to another wealthy Italian family who lost it in as they say, "Incorrect financial speculation." Then it was bought by wealthy Americans who spent 30+ years restoring it to its former splendor - gardens, sculptures, the house. When they died they gave it to Mussolini, on the condition he make it a public space; and he did.

It's now an institute of Germanic studies with the only real change over the centuries being the open porch at ground level and the open courtyard are no more. Still, a place brimming with 15th-century ghosts of fancy coaches,  romantic strolls in the garden, and dinners on the rooftop terrace with the view of the entire skyline of Rome.

Today it was a slow stroll on a Saturday; dog central where Bisou got to play ball chase till her legs were like jelly and Milton met a bunch of friendly Roman dogs. A beautiful day on a broken cloud sunny day in Rome.

Greeted by Satyrs as you enter through the gates.

Prime dog ball throwing field. Bisou was in Paradiso.

I love a tree tunnel and this one was spectacular with golden leaves all around.

bisou's new boyfriend and pal of Milton. He followed us all around the estate.

A family resting by a fountain by the main carriage path entrance

A few of the 7' tall figures in a half-circle hedge display.  Wine is the theme.

The main house. The bottom green doors used to be open to a huge porch and courtyard. It must have been glorious in the heat of summer.

A fountain of woodland nymphs in front of the house.

I wonder what we'll find tomorrow?

A Presto

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Rainy Day, Museo Day